Jacopo Miliani is the artist who through the creation of a universal artistic language goes beyond the definition of gender.

If you have ever dreamed of a world where you do not need words to define who you are, if you do not recognize yourself in the labels that society imposes on you and if you feel you do not belong to any category of genre, maybe you’re queer . Queer means quirky or identity sexually, ethnically or socially “far from the center” , which is not located within the normal definitions encoded by the dominant culture.

If you also feel a bit ‘ queer and if you are still looking for an artistic language that identify you, maybe you should know Jacopo Miliani , one of the most interesting Italian artists on the contemporary scene . Born in 1979 and active in Milan,Jacopo Miliani working on concepts queerness and genderfluid .

For years he has decided to dedicate his artistic research to the study of the word, identifying in it the origin of the construction of our identities: “The relationship I have with the word is a struggle. Maybe a game of love, certainly a relationship of the poignant and important ones. Language is how we define ourselves and how we define others and we use it continuously without realizing that we are used by him. The language is definitely male for the moment. ” In his performances he combines the tradition of ballet and classical music with the pop culture of contemporary fashion, music and dance.Dancing represents for Miliani an instrument through which it is possible to break the chains of appearance and prejudice, giving free rein to all forms of our ego.

A central focus in his work is devoted to the style vogue , a kind of contemporary dance born in the suburbs of New York and made famous by the homonymous Madonna song, released in 1990. The vogueing consisted in imitating the poses of models portrayed in the pages of the well-known magazine from which the dance takes its name.

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